Telecom partner
Voiped global services
CallTo365 and Voiped Global Services have joined forces to easily and quickly connect telephony and ICT within large, complicated projects.
"The CallTo365 team is really complementary to what we already have. The collaboration gives us energy and new, interesting and fun things are coming our way."
- Ferry Stienstra, Voiped Global Services
Moderne Werkplek
Cloud first
Telecom & IT
About the partnership
Together, Voiped Global Services and CallTo365 tackle the major challenges where there are many existing structures, multiple international offices and telephony seems to be a complex issue. What they are good at together is simplifying these projects by moving the telephony to the same provider and connecting everything within Teams.
Looking ahead
“A project that I remember well was at a large, international telecom player with 40 offices. We received a call while we were eating lunch the Van der Valk hotel. This customer had already been working on implementing Teams within their company for 3.5 years.
We moved quickly and within half an hour we were on the phone with their Microsoft admin, we did a technical setup and delivered numbers in all their countries. Normally we prepare and start projects morethoroughly, but if necessary we can also act quickly.”
More information?
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